Wednesday, March 21, 2012

State Wrestling

Today was the first year since I've worked for NSP that I did not work at State Wrestling. It's not weird unless I really think about it. Yes, it is really annoying having to explain a million and one times that "There are two kids in the photo. The other wrestler may have boughten them." And yes, it is even more annoying to tell people, "Or it could be in the wrong folder." Then they check the weight above and below, and still no pictures. "Well, it could really be in any box." But at the same time I enjoy working with my Dad, and my sister. And I enjoy the bustle and commotion, at least for a little while. And it's something I've done every year. Instead I worked a hockey tournament up in Lynwood which was off of Exit 179. You would have gone into hysterics I'm sure with how far away it was. The hockey tournament, was just your normal side tournament. Pictures were just ok. Almost a constand stream of a couple people coming to look at the pictures and not buying or if they did they bought only one sheet. Although, now that I'm thinking about it, at this tournament I didn't have anyone come up after a game and ask if those pictures were there already. There were a lot of Canadians which was interesting. A good interesting. For a while it really made me not like the American way, or at least what it seemed like we are becoming. Also, I'm sick, I think I have a sinus infection, so because of that it was really nice to not have to yell to talk to costumers, and for the most part it was really easy to hear my costumers (besides the thick accents).

But I think what was most weird was you not being apart of it. That's the other reason I'm glad I didn't go to wrestling. You've been at it the last two years, and it's been so much fun having you there. Now I know you wouldn't have been able to come anyway because you have a class on Saturday morning, but at least I would be able to text you about all the complaints I had about the costumers. Erica said she really missed having me and you there.

I don't know maybe I'm making this too dramatic. But when I think about it, I think, "It's not that I missed the State Wrestling, it's that it didn't happen yet, because I NEVER miss state wrestling. It's one of the only state jobs I can count on anymore." But it really is that I missed it. And it all just makes me think of you. I even sent you a text today. I know you won't recieve it, but still. I told you I missed you. Altough, I must admit that I'm kinda afraid I'm going to get a reply back.

I had a dream about you the other night. You were still dead, but somehow you were able to come back for a little bit. I think we were doing dishes at a very long kitchen sink, and I didn't know what to say to you so I just kept telling you how much I missed you, mostly because that's all I could think about, was how much I wished you were still here. I still think about you almost everyday. And it seems to be usually multiple times a day. As always, I still can't grasp the concept that you're gone. Or I don't know, maybe I can but I find that weird and so I think it's me not being able to grasp it. I don't get quite as sad when I think about it. I just get really lonely for my best friend. And I think about how are relationship would be right now. With you in school and living in Olympia. My parents have been gone a lot these last few weeks with distric basketball games, and so I've been home alone with the girls a lot in the evenings. Now once again, I know you wouldnt' have been able to come over, and even if you would have, you probably wouldn't have wanted to because we're all sick, but I wish that you could come over for dinner. And it makes me think back to what I think is the last time I saw you. When you came over here for dinner, because I called you because I was tired of being alone and I wanted to see you. I just regret not calling you sooner, and not seeing you just one more time.

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