Friday, October 7, 2011

You are Loved

So your cousin (who at first I thought was your aunt) asked me to "help spread the word"; her words not mine. So I sent out an e-mail with the information about your services to a few people I had on my facebook who knew you. I told them they didn't need to reply to me, I just wanted to let them know. Well one of the people was Bowen, and this is what he sent me,

"i am so sorry but i will not be able to make it but it is only out of geographic disposition. i want to say it was always a pleasure to run into kathleen and i am very grateful for the evenshort amount of time i knew her. my thoughts and condolences are with her family. and thank you for the info melia and i am sorry i cant make it"

I figured that would make you  happy. I know it did me. You are loved and missed by many. I just wanted you to know that.

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